The Asthma Control Test is a simple test suitable for asthma sufferers(aged 12 years and over).It will provide you with a snapshot of how well
your asthma has been controlled over the last four weeks.The test contain 5 questions that you can complete online or offline.
The Result can help you determine the level of control you have over your asthma.It is agood idea to complete the test at regular intervals as
asthma symptoms can very from month to month & at different times of the may be useful for you to discuss your ACT score with your doctor
or is also a good idea to complete the test at different times of the year.
If your score 15 or less
Your asthma may be very poorly controlled.please contact your healthcare provider right away.
If your score between 16-19
Your asthma symptoms may not be as well controlled as they could be. There may be more you or your healthcare provider could do to
help control your asthma symptoms.
If your score between 20-25
Your asthma symptoms may appear to be well controlled .Even so, asthma control can change over time. So it's important to retest
yourself regularly. Continue to talk to your healthcare provider about your asthma control.